
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hello again and welcome to the football blog

Sean Patrick Bowley
Hello again.

This is Sean Patrick Bowley.

It's been a week or so since I began settling into my new gig as the editor of, Connecticut's soon-to-be premier high school site.

Yes, we have high hopes. It's been a lot of hard work. Though it's going well, we're not quite there yet, but we hope to launch soon.

In the meantime, the sports staff from the New Haven Register and its Connecticut compadres in the Digital First family have decided to begin revamping our high school sports coverage.

Beginning with football.

Scrimmages are in full effect. Information has been trickling out of camps from around the region. So it's time for us to get cracking before we get left behind.

For those who don't know me, I spent nine years at Connecticut Post and Hearst CT Newspapers primarily covering the Fairfield County and western New Haven County teams. I started their high school football blog (which, has now been rebranded) and I'm thrilled to take my experiences to a new venue and join with a talented stable of co-workers.

I'll joining up with Mike Pucci, the company's lead football beat writer, Register high school sports editor Joe Morelli, Middletown Press sports editor Jimmy Zanor, Torrington Register-Citizen editor Peter Paguaga, Minuteman editor Mary Albl, writers Dan Nowak and Henry Chisholm and many, many more to start the GameTimeCT football blog.

Oh, and did you hear? We're going to cover the entire state. From the ECC to the FCIAC, the CCC to the SCC. From one half of the Pequot to the other half of the Pequot. (And there's also a third half. But we'll get to that).

And, if the guys at the NVL Blog will allow us, we'll cover the mighty Naugatuck Valley League.

Thankfully, there's not much catching up to do for me. Mike 'Pooch' has been diligently compiling our team-by-team preview capsules for the entire state, some of which he's added here already.

In addition to Mike's continuing great coverage, we'll also use this space to give you news and views from scrimmages and practices from around the state as we lead up to kickoff of the 2013 season.

And what a kickoff it will be.

But we'll get to that soon. There's so much to do. So many teams, players and coaches to see and profile.

This is just a quick note to say hello. Personally, it's great to have a space again after toiling for years to build a spot at Hearst CT.

We'll be making changes as the days and weeks progress, the site's address and the overall look, for example. Overall, we're excited to continue the great work here and ratchet it up a notch. Give us a little time as we kick off a new era of high school football coverage.

By the way, we can't do any of this without your help. What's a good sports blog without its readers and commenters? The community's the thing, so we hope you'll join us as we navigate our way through what should be an incredible season.

No hyperbole necessary. It's going to be a great year.

So, let's get started, yeah?



Follow me on Twitter at @SPBowley and be sure to follow @GameTimeCT


  1. We will not allow it. Although I'm not sure how we'll stop it.

    Snap, snap on the new setup.

  2. ....And, we're working on it! We're working on it!

    1. Hi SPB -
      As I'm sure you are aware, this is probably the biggest news lately.

  3. Good luck in the new spot, Sean. You did a great job over there and we're all looking forward to how great you're gonna make it over here.

  4. @CIACFollower - Yes, Mike Pucci had an item before this one:

  5. Thanks SPB, I noticed that after I submitted it.
    Just getting used to the layout/format.

    PS - at least we dont have to trek 1hr15min, almost NY, for a Fri. night game.
