
Monday, October 3, 2011

No penalty for Masuk in 56-0 win over Stratford

On Friday, Masuk defeated Stratford 56-0, violating the CIAC's score management policy, which occurs when a team wins by more than 50 points. As a penalty, the winning coach could face a one-game suspension.

However, the CIAC decided that Masuk coach John Murphy took the necessary action to control the game.

Here is the statement from the CIAC:

After a review of reports received from both schools involved and the game officials in regards to Masuk High School's 56-0 varsity football victory over Stratford High School on Friday, it has been determined that the proper sportsmanship protocols were followed, and that there was no violation of the CIAC Score Management policy by the winning school's head coach. Due to this fact the review committee will not take any action against Masuk High School in regards to Friday's game.

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