
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Football Playoff Proposal to move forward

The CIAC football committee voted Monday to move forward with a playoff proposal that would add a quarterfinal round and expand the number of teams qualifying from 24 to 48.

The proposal also includes having the quarterfinal round start the Thursday before Thanksgiving. Teams would play their regularly scheduled Thanksgiving Day games but that game would not count toward playoff points.

The semifinals and finals would still be the Tuesday and Saturday after Thanksgiving as they currently are.

Below is a release sent by the CIAC:

The CIAC Football Committee voted at its meeting yesterday to move forward to the Board of Control a proposal for a new football tournament format to be implemented in the 2009 tournament season. The proposal calls for the addition of a quarterfinal round to the tournament, thereby increasing the number of teams qualifying from 24 to 48. It will not have an impact on the length of the season.

Prior to final action being taken by the CIAC Board of Control, superintendents, administrators, athletic directors and coaches from the 142 member schools that sponsor interscholastic football will be surveyed to determine their level of support for the proposed format.

The Board of Control will be briefed on the Football Committee's recommendation at it's regularly scheduled meeting on February 26. Final action will not be taken until all constituent groups have had ample time to respond to the proposal.


  1. Playoffs should be the best teams period.Lets open it up and narrow down the teams that duck competion.Too amny champions in a small state for my opinion!!!!

  2. I agree with you. I don't think a state of our size needs six champions, and I don't think we need to add more teams to the mix.

    Plus, I am not in favor of having the Thanksgiving Day games not count towards playoff points.

    I do see some of the coaches' points that in other sports a higher percentage of teams make the postseason but I also don't think any team that is below .500 deserves to be in the playoffs.
